Tag divorce the divorce

june a novel, miranda beverly whittemore

A Must Read

A must read! This beautifully written novel was a joy to read and I was sorry when it ended. The story weaves past and present; from small town Ohio to the glamour of Hollywood. “June” by Miranda Beverly-Whittemore is a…

help for divorced women, divorce the divorce, divorce advice

The Golden Key

The Golden Key is a simple technique that has amazing results. The Golden Key is a tool that I have used for years. It was developed by Emmett Fox. Emmett Fox (1886-1951) was one of the most influential spiritual leaders…

improve your self-esteem, gloria pierson, single happy and strong

The Big F Word

Forgiveness is the big F word. Forgiveness is probably the most important act we can practice in our lives. It may not always be easy to forgive, but, it is vital for your physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. If someone…

clear your clutter, divorce advice, divorce advice for women

Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui

This is a fantastic book for helping you simplify your life by clearing your clutter. “Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui” by Karen Kingston is a practical, easy to put in place formula for freeing yourself from physical, mental, emotional…