What Do You Believe?

What do you believe? Do you believe that life is difficult? That happiness is not within your reach? That poverty and suffering are normal? If those are your beliefs, then that is exactly what your life will be like. We are meant to have lives filled with peace, love and abundance. That is what God wants for us. If we are not living our lives in this way, we have gotten off track.

Living in the light is living with God. Light gives us strength and confidence to follow our dreams. Darkness only increases our weakness. We have two spheres of our mind: the bodily mind and the spirit mind. The bodily mind or ego is that constant chatter in our head. “You are not enough: not good enough, not bright enough, not pretty enough.” All that is chatter and that chatter puts us off track from being in the light.

When we live in the light miracles occur. That is when we are aligned with our spirit mind and God. Our spirit mind wants us to look past appearances and keep our steady gaze on our dreams. We are not our body. Faith keeps us focused on the life we want and deserve.

Of course, when we live in the light, we will not be problem free. That is simply not the case, but, the spaces and recovery time between the problems will grow less because of our faith.

How do we stay in the light? By prayer and spending time in quiet leaving our weakness behind. A Course in Miracles says, “Faith goes to what you want, and you instruct your mind accordingly.” Believe in yourself, believe in the light, believe in happiness and that is what you will bring into your life.

God is the Presence, Love, and Power in you that conquers all.

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