Tag how does the law of attraction work


Full Moon Meditation

There is a full moon today in Scorpio. In addition, there are solar storms this weekend. Use the Full Moon’s powerful energy to release and transform. With these forces, you can upgrade your energy and vibration. A guided meditation with…

What You Think Is What you Get

If you are frustrated with the law of attraction, this video goes over one concept you may have overlooked. The key to manifesting is “what frequency are your thoughts.” A principle from Ancient Egypt is the Law of Vibration. The…

gloria pierson, gloria marie pierson, may my favorite things

May My Favorite Things

May My Favorite Things There is a New Moon on Saturday, May 4 in the sign of Taurus. Use this New Moon energy to create a ritual. New Moons are times for new beginnings and fresh starts. New moons are…

Getting Past Betrayal

When someone betrays you, it could be a classmate, spouse, or friend, you cannot change their behavior. What you can do is build a strong foundation for yourself and manifest someone new to enter your life. Someone that respects you…