What is Your Intention for 2016?

We have talked about New Year’s Resolutions. That list that we physically or mentally make at the end of each year. Can you still remember yours? This year, I want to set an intention for 2016. With one intention, it is easier to remember and easier to move toward your goal. What is your intention for 2016?

What do you want 2016 to look like? What part of your life do you want to see grow? Maybe your intention is to have 2016 the year you fall in love, or the year you lose those 10 extra pounds or maybe the year you start your own blog.

When thinking about this, leave all old negative thoughts and limitations in 2015. This is a new year and you can change your thoughts, control your thinking and manifest what you want.

If you are having trouble deciding on your one, great intention. Draw a mind map. Get a sheet of paper and in the middle of it write, “What makes me happy?” Draw lines from this question and in circles write what comes into your mind.  Get creative and have fun.  Next, choose one area for your intention.

Some ideas

  • My family
  • Looking good
  • Financial stability
  • Finding love
  • Traveling

Write…. 2016 is the year of __________________. Keep it in a place where you will see it every day. Try every week to take an action step toward your intention. Even if you take tip toe steps, you are telling the Universe that you want change. Go for it!

Our intentions can manifest into our lives. The key is to concentrate on it and keep your thoughts and actions positive. Guard your words and your thoughts. Eliminate the, “I cannot”, “I should” and the “Nothing ever changes in my life.” The change you are looking for can be right around the corner. This is a new year and a great time to leave old habits behind.

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