Gloria Marie Pierson

Gloria Marie Pierson

the new american heart association cookbook

A Must Have Cookbook

“The New American Heart Association Cookbook” needs to be your go to cookbook. It has over 800 recipes in all areas; including vegetarian entrees and slow cooker chapters. If you want to be healthy and cook healthy, this cookbook will…

Reduce Stress

A full body scan is a great way to reduce stress. In this video, I will guide you through the steps. It is a tool that you could easily practice yourself. When you are aware of where and how you…

The Power of Mindfulness

The Power of Mindfulness, try these five ways to practice it. Being mindful allows us to be fully present. When we are fully present, we are truly alive and can experience joy. Life has problems and we cannot escape them,…

5 Ways to Set Personal Boundaries

Learn five ways to set personal boundaries. Increase your self-esteem by voicing your opinion and not allowing others to control you. Take control and let your opinions and needs heard. Do not always give in to more aggressive behavior. Learn…

the tea planters wife, dinah jefferies

Terrific Emotional Read

A beautifully written novel that you will have trouble putting down. “The Tea Planter’s Wife” by Dinah Jefferies is rich with descriptions of Ceylon in the 1920’s, both historical and visual. I was mesmerized by the vivid images of the…