Spring Cleaning Your Closet
Spring is a time of renewal and regrowth. A time to clean up your space to make way for new things into your life. Clear up the clutter in that closet. There is a wonderful new book out by Marie…
Spring is a time of renewal and regrowth. A time to clean up your space to make way for new things into your life. Clear up the clutter in that closet. There is a wonderful new book out by Marie…
Affirmations are positive statements that can be repeated on a regular basis. They can be written, repeated orally or both. Powerful affirmations help us control our thoughts. James Allen in his book, “As You Thinketh”, written in 1904, states, “All…
Joan Chittister’s new book, “Between the Dark and the Daylight: Embracing the Contradictions of Life” is filled with insight and wisdom. It is a guide to help our soul confront those fears, questions, and problems that haunt us in the…
My son was flying home for spring break and he missed his plane. Something about the bus from the parking lot taking over 20 minutes. No problem, I told him, go the ticket counter and get booked on a later…
My son was recently home on spring break. He loves watching all sorts of sports and on this one particular day he was watching a soccer match on television. I began to make lunch for us and suddenly I felt…
Today is Easter Sunday and in the Christian tradition, a time of rebirth. Even if you do not celebrate Easter, let’s look at this time for rebirth of YOU! What have you outgrown in your life and what would you…
Spring is here, a time for renewal. This is a great time to read some new inspirational books. I have picked out three to recommend this month. One of them, I actually reread again. “As A Man Thinkekth”, I…
Today is Palm Sunday. It is the beginning of Holy Week and many Christians celebrate Jesus “triumphal entry” into Jerusalem. We have also entered into a new season: spring. Spring is a time of renewal and a time of re-birth.…
One in 10 Americans are actively involved in online dating. Have you ever tried it? I have tried most of the popular dating sites. I, like most people, get tired of the process. But, my philosophy is, if you don’t…
I was featured in the Blog Whatever is Good for the Soul. The link below gives the complete interview. Life Coach Specialist in Singletons & Divorcees: Gloria Marie Pierson Today Gloria Marie Pierson shared her wonderful story and soul…