How to Stop Feeling Lonely
Being single can have you feeling lonely at times. But, try this two-step process to focus on your strengths and stop the negative chatter in your mind.
Being single can have you feeling lonely at times. But, try this two-step process to focus on your strengths and stop the negative chatter in your mind.
A breakup can take many forms. It can be the breakup of a romantic relationship, it could be the end of a friendship or the loss of a job or money. It could be divorce or a separation. Loss can…
It seems whenever there is dissatisfaction in our lives, we become more impressionable. At times like these, there is a tendency to allow the opinions of others to affect our lives. We get caught in the currents of change and…
Happy New Year! In numerology, 2016 was a nine year. A nine year is a year of endings and completions. 2017 is a one year. A year of new beginnings. Are you ready for some new beginnings? I feel that…
With the year coming to an end, it is a good time to review your life this past year. There were probably some great moments and some disappointments. Maybe looking back, the year was just not what you expected or…
Deepak and Kimberly’s book delivers a holistic approach to both health and beauty. This is a fantastic book that will show you how to transform yourself from the inside out. It is filled with tips, tools, recipes and at home…
Every moment of our day is precious. But, how many times do you waste precious minutes? It is usually not the hours we waste away; it is the small increments of time. Maybe you need to leave for an appointment,…
Can one of the most traumatic experiences in your life make you stronger? You bet it can! Maybe not initially, but, it is impossible to go through a divorce, a job loss, or a health crisis and not be a…
Do you ever lose faith and feel your prayers are not being answered? Maybe you need a LOVE rush. Emmet Fox says that, “Ninety-nine times in a hundred (your prayers are not being answered), it is because you are lacking…
What was the first thing you did when you woke up this morning? Maybe said a prayer for having another day on this magnificent earth? Did you feel joyful and excited about your day? Finding joy and living a joy-filled…