Tag divorced women

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The Fifth Chakra

Chakra’s are outlets in the human body that are centers of “life forces” and vital energy. We have seven main chakras that are aligned along the spinal column. Each chakra is associated with our physical health and also our emotional…

10 Life Lessons Divorce Taught Me

Featured on Huffington Post. Huffington Post Link 10 Life Lessons Divorce Taught Me Posted: 11/30/2015 11:41 am EST Updated: 25 minutes ago Share 30 Tweet Share on Google+Print By Gloria Pierson for DivorcedMoms.com When my divorce began, I was somewhat…

divorce, divorce the divorce, divorce advice, divorced women

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving to me represents the beginning of the holiday season. A time to be grateful, times spent with family and friends, and, from my Italian heritage, time for lots of good food. Our family always gathers together on…

divorce the divorce, divorce advice, divorced women, single women, single happy strong

Create a Morning Ritual

This is a chapter from my book, “Divorce the Divorce: A 52 Step Journey to Unlimted Happiness.”   It is available on Amazon.  This chapter describes my morning ritual. Maybe this is the week to create a morning ritual.  With…

Meaning of the Number 11

Have you ever looked at the clock and noticed it was 11:11? Or saw the numbers 11-11 on a license plate or other random location? With today’s date at 11/11, I thought it would be a perfect day to look…

divorce, divorced women, divorce the divorce, divorce advice

3 Steps to a More Fulfilling Life

Passion is defined as a very strong feeling about a person or thing. Passion is an intense emotion compelling, enthusiasm, or desire for anything. When going through my divorce and other difficult transitions, I realized I was not passionate about…