Ghosting in Dating
Another new term I learned about dating: ghosting. This is so not ok and so disrespectful. If you are dating, it has probably happened to you, but, you may not be familiar with the term. With texting, the Internet, and…
Another new term I learned about dating: ghosting. This is so not ok and so disrespectful. If you are dating, it has probably happened to you, but, you may not be familiar with the term. With texting, the Internet, and…
This week we celebrate Valentine’s Day. “Celebrate” may be too strong of a word if you are going to spend the day alone and single. Many of my single friends refuse to out on Valentine’s Day if they do not…
Often when we think of Valentine’s Day we think of love, romance, and roses. I remember my first memorable Valentine’s Day after my divorce. My date took me to a special dinner, dancing, and bought me romantic gifts. I use…
February is about love and romance. The New York Times had an article titled, “To Fall in Love With Anyone, Do This” written by Mandy Len Catron. She cited a study done over 20 years ago by the psychologist Arthur…
This simple meditation is a great way to open your heart chakra and feel the energy of giving and receiving love. This meditation is great to do if you want to attract a relationship into your life. Of course, it…
Very excited to be interviewed on the website What Ever is Good for the Soul. Life Coach Specialist in Singletons & Divorcees: Gloria Marie Pierson Today Gloria Marie Pierson shared her wonderful story and soul with us. Gloria is a…
Life is all about change. Life is impermanent. Fear comes in when we resist life’s changes. Learn to surrender to change. We do not always have to be in control. Life involves many endings and many things passing away or…
Toxic relationships can poison your life. Would you put toxic chemicals in your body? More than likely, you try to avoid them. Toxic relationships drain your time, your energy, and your self-esteem. You know when you are in this type…
Dating after divorce can be the good, the bad and the ugly. When you start dating, I can pretty much guarantee that you will experience all three. I certainly have. One date, who I will call Jack, not his real…
Divorce, painful relationships, and childhood based hurts can all allow us to close our hearts for love. If you are looking for love, it is important that your heart remain open to both give and receive love. Our heart chakra…