Tag women

divorce, divorce the divorce, divorce advice, divorced women

Let Me Walk in Beauty

Happy Thanksgiving! This is a favorite prayer of mine and perfect for Thanksgiving. Let Me Walk in Beauty -Chief Yellow Lark O Great Spirit, Whose voice I hear in the winds And whose breath gives life to all the world,…

stay joyful, advice for divorced women, divorce advice

Remain Joyful

What was the first thing you did when you woke up this morning? Maybe said a prayer for having another day on this magnificent earth? Did you feel joyful and excited about your day? Finding joy and living a joy-filled…

divorce the divorce, meditation, help for divorced women

3 Steps for a Breathing Meditation

The Single Happy and Strong Blog will be exploring different types of meditation. Meditation is simply put, controlling your thoughts and mind. It is not making your mind and thoughts blank. If that happens-great! When you meditate, you should have…