Spring Equinox is a Time to Let Go
Today is the spring equinox and the first day of spring. Spring is a time of rebirth and spring equinox is a time to let go of the past. Letting go the past can take many forms. It is not…
Today is the spring equinox and the first day of spring. Spring is a time of rebirth and spring equinox is a time to let go of the past. Letting go the past can take many forms. It is not…
We have also entered into a new season: spring. Spring is a time of re-birth and a time of renewal. What seeds would you like to plant? What would you like to see grow in your Life? When my boys…
Spring is Here! Spring is here! Daylight savings time begins today and our daylight hours will increase. Spring is a time of re-birth and new beginnings. Living in Florida, the season changes are not as dramatic as other parts of…
I have my morning ritual, it is a time that I cherish. I believe this time helps me stay centered and calm throughout the day. Most mornings, I get up early, while it is still dark and the world is…
We all know the expression, “You reap what you sow.” Probably most of the time we feel that we follow this. But, if we analyze our thoughts and actions, we may find that we do this when it is easy.…
Are you feeling a little discontent with some part of your life? Our lives are static. They are constantly changing and evolving. What might have worked for you last year is no longer working. You maybe longing for more. Are…
Do you ever get frustrated with your life? Your affirmations are not working? You are doing all the right things: meditating, affirmations, visualizations and prayers and yet nothing is changing. You are still struggling with work, your health or money…
Every moment of our day is precious. But, how many times do you waste precious minutes? It is usually not the hours we waste away; it is the small increments of time. Maybe you need to leave for an appointment,…
Visualization is a very powerful tool to train your subconscious mind. What you form in your imagination will one day appear in your physical world if you are faithful and consistent with your mental vision. Our thoughts become things. Try…
The Dhammapada is an ancient collection of the Buddha’s teachings. In Twin Verses, the first chapter of the Dhammapada it is written, “All that we are is the result of what we have thought: we are formed and molded by…