Category Lifestyle

june a novel, miranda beverly whittemore

A Must Read

A must read! This beautifully written novel was a joy to read and I was sorry when it ended. The story weaves past and present; from small town Ohio to the glamour of Hollywood. “June” by Miranda Beverly-Whittemore is a…

clear your clutter, divorce advice, divorce advice for women

Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui

This is a fantastic book for helping you simplify your life by clearing your clutter. “Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui” by Karen Kingston is a practical, easy to put in place formula for freeing yourself from physical, mental, emotional…

divorce, divorce advice, 5 ways to spend 5 minutes

5 Ways to Spend 5 Minutes

Every moment of our day is precious. But, how many times do you waste precious minutes? It is usually not the hours we waste away; it is the small increments of time. Maybe you need to leave for an appointment,…