Tag single happy strong

mary that wondrous star, divorce, divorced, divorced women

Mary That Wondrous Star

This week is the celebration of Christmas. This year I am posting a prayer about Mary, “That Wondrous Star” by Saint Bernard of Clairvaux. When I was growing up, my Italian grandmother would always tell me that if I was…

5 Ways to Deal with Holiday Stress

This is an easy time of year to overburden ourselves.  I was thinking about all the additional things I was putting in my schedule: holiday parties, baking, decorating, gift purchases and holiday dinners.  This list, of course, is in addition…

divorce, divorced women, divorced, divorce the divorce,

The Fifth Chakra

Chakra’s are outlets in the human body that are centers of “life forces” and vital energy. We have seven main chakras that are aligned along the spinal column. Each chakra is associated with our physical health and also our emotional…

10 Life Lessons Divorce Taught Me

Featured on Huffington Post. Huffington Post Link 10 Life Lessons Divorce Taught Me Posted: 11/30/2015 11:41 am EST Updated: 25 minutes ago Share 30 Tweet Share on Google+Print By Gloria Pierson for DivorcedMoms.com When my divorce began, I was somewhat…