Tag strong and happy divorce

single happy and strong, gloria pierson, gloria marie pierson, surrender to the present moment

What are You Passionate About?

“We may affirm absolutely that nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion.” -Georg Hegel Passion is an intense emotion compelling, enthusiasm, or desire for anything. When going through my divorce and other difficult transitions, I realized I…

gloria pierson, gloria marie pierson, mindfulness,

Powerful Affirmations

Affirmations are positive statements that can be repeated on a regular basis. They can be written, repeated orally or both. Powerful affirmations help us control our thoughts. James Allen in his book, “As You Thinketh”, written in 1904, states, “All…

divorce advice, fear, divorce women, single women, divorce

Full of Fear

My son was recently home on spring break. He loves watching all sorts of sports and on this one particular day he was watching a soccer match on television. I began to make lunch for us and suddenly I felt…

divorce, divorced women, single happy strong

Online Dating Tips

One in 10 Americans are actively involved in online dating. Have you ever tried it? I have tried most of the popular dating sites. I, like most people, get tired of the process. But, my philosophy is, if you don’t…