Gloria Marie Pierson

Gloria Marie Pierson

the surrender experiment, divorce, divorced women, single happy strong

The Surrender Experiment

“The Surrender Experiment” is a fascinating, true story of Michael Singer’s life. After a spiritual awakening he decided to surrender to whatever life brought his way. Sometimes he did not want to do what came his way, but, he made…

divorce, divorced women, divorce the divorce, single happy strong

Best Meatball Recipe

When both of my sons come home, they love for me to cook Italian recipes. I guess it is in their blood, as it is in mine. There is comfort for me to smell tomato sauce simmering in the kitchen.…

divorce, divorce advice, divorced women, divorce the divorce

Finding Your Calling

Passion is defined as a very strong feeling about a person or thing. Passion is an intense emotion compelling, enthusiasm, or desire for anything. Finding your passion can help you in finding your calling. This may occur at any time…

divorce the divorce, divorce advice, divorced women, single women, single happy strong

How to Create Affirmations

The following is an excerpt from my book. Learn how to create affirmations. Divorce the Divorce: a 52 Step Journey to Create Unlimited Happiness Purchase on Amazon Chapter 6 Affirmations “All that you achieve and all that you fail to…

divorce the divorce, divorced women, divorce

Dealing with Mercury Retrograde

  In astrology, Mercury is the planet of communication. Mercury goes retrograde or backwards three times per year. In a retrograde period the theory of thought is that all communication goes backward. This includes contracts, electronics, and data. We are…