Tag dating

valentines day, single women, divorce women, dating, single women

Valentine’s Day Alone

This week we celebrate Valentine’s Day. “Celebrate” may be too strong of a word if you are going to spend the day alone and single. Many of my single friends refuse to out on Valentine’s Day if they do not…

falling in love, divorce, dating, single women

Falling in Love

February is about love and romance. The New York Times had an article titled, “To Fall in Love With Anyone, Do This” written by Mandy Len Catron. She cited a study done over 20 years ago by the psychologist Arthur…

Whatever is Good for the Soul

Very excited to be interviewed on the website What Ever is Good for the Soul. Life Coach Specialist in Singletons & Divorcees: Gloria Marie Pierson Today Gloria Marie Pierson shared her wonderful story and soul with us. Gloria is a…

self esteem, divorce, single women, dating, improve your self esteem

New Year’s Resolutions

Here we are the middle of January, 2015. Did you write any New Year’s Resolutions? Have you kept them the past 14 days or are they forgotten. A friend of mine said her New Year’s Resolution for 2015 would be,…