Happiness is an Inside Job
You could have the greatest job in the world, the most beautiful home, enough money to meet all your needs and desires, but, still be unhappy. Happiness is an inside job. The material world may provide you with joy, but,…
You could have the greatest job in the world, the most beautiful home, enough money to meet all your needs and desires, but, still be unhappy. Happiness is an inside job. The material world may provide you with joy, but,…
Your home, your space, is probably filled with objects you no longer need or use. Objects carry energy. De-cluttering your home will help remove “stagnant energy” to make room for new people and events in your life. Out with the…
How to Make Every Day a Happy Day How many of you woke up today feeling really excited and joyful to start your day? How many of you wake up this way every day? You are probably thinking, she is…
“Food52 VEGAN” cookbook by Gena Hamshaw is amazing. There are 60 recipes in this beautiful volume. Every recipe has a gorgeous picture accompanying it. The recipes are simple to follow and use common ingredients. There is no need to hunt…
Mercury retrograde ended on October 9. But, astrologers feel there is shadow effect that can last for up to two weeks once it goes direct. So, you may still feel some effects of it even thought Mercury retrograde has ended.…
Are you feeling a little discontent with some part of your life? Our lives are not static. They are constantly changing and evolving. What might have worked for you last year is no longer working. You ma ybe longing for…
Our words are powerful. The words we put out in the Universe are embedded in our subconscious mind. And you know what? Our subconscious mind does what we tell it. What have you told your mind today? Let’s turn I…
With a little organization and a morning routine, you can get your day off to a fantastic start. Since I work at home, it is very easy to get distracted. Without some organization, I could waste away most of the…
Breathing exercises are effective to release stress. Usually, we take our breathing for granted, but, with practice on these techniques, you will have a great tool to use. Try these 2 breathing techniques to release tension. First, I want you…
“Triggers” is a must read for all coaches, yet, it is clear enough for anybody looking to change their lives. It provides practical tools to implement change. Marshall Goldsmith, an executive coach, uses examples from his clients to illustrate the…