3 Easy Ways to Keep New Year’s Resolutions
In my blog last week, I wrote about reflecting on the past year and thinking about the New Year ahead. Even if you did not make any resolutions, there might be parts of your life that you would like to…
In my blog last week, I wrote about reflecting on the past year and thinking about the New Year ahead. Even if you did not make any resolutions, there might be parts of your life that you would like to…
So, it is New Year’s Eve and you are alone. Does is seem like everyone around you is celebrating and having fun and you will be alone watching the ball drop on your television? This New Year’s Eve no pity…
This week, we ring in 2016. Do you feel like the past year went quickly? What I love about a new year is that it is almost like a blank canvas. I have this great exercise to help you do…
This week is the celebration of Christmas. This year I am posting a prayer about Mary, “That Wondrous Star” by Saint Bernard of Clairvaux. When I was growing up, my Italian grandmother would always tell me that if I was…
The holidays can be a very emotional time of year. As the year is nearing an end, you may be reflecting on this past year and possibly be disappointed in how the year went. You may be stressed from too…
Getting back into the workforce after divorce can be frightening. Suddenly you are single and may need to support yourself. Most of my marriage I was a stay at home mom. I did lots of volunteer work and my ex-husband…
Recently, I spoke with a friend that I had not spoken to in a while. We both shared a little bit about the past few months. The past few months had brought a few ups and downs to my life.…
“Super Genes” by Deepak Chopra, M.D. and Rudolph Tanzi, Ph.D. is a must read for anyone that is interested in a healthier lifestyle and longer life. It describes ground breaking and historical research that proves we can alter our genome…
This is an easy time of year to overburden ourselves. I was thinking about all the additional things I was putting in my schedule: holiday parties, baking, decorating, gift purchases and holiday dinners. This list, of course, is in addition…
Our thoughts manifest into our lives. If you expect the best, you will receive the best. If you expect less than you want, you will receive less than you want. This is the Law of Expectancy. Today, start to expect…