Tag motivational books

Single and Thrifty Shopping

Single and Thrifty Shopping   Divorce or being single does, even temporarily, cause changes to your finances.  You will just not have as much disposable income. Shopping trips to the mall or your favorite boutique may have to stop or…

Facing Fear for Single Women

  Facing Fear for Single Women “Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear” -George Addair  What is it that you fear?  Being alone? Change? Job loss? Supporting yourself?  As you go through a divorce and afterwards,…

Tip 17 – More Dating Tips

Tip # 17 – More Dating Tips   It goes without saying that being single; you will experience many first dates and many new experiences.  Stay happy and strong through all the new adventures you encounter. Evan a bad date…

Affirmations for Happiness

Create Powerful Affirmations “When you believe yourself to be master of your thoughts, you become so.” -Emile Coue´   Affirmations are statements that help us practice positive thinking.  Your mind cannot have two thoughts at the same time.  You may…

Practice Forgiveness

 Practice Forgiveness  Forgiveness is probably the best practice for us to cultivate in our lives.  Anger is a negative, dark emotion. It clouds our hearts and our lives. Forgiving another person allows positive energy and love to replace the darkness. …