Tag single women

divorce, divorce the divorce, divorce advice, divorced women

Let Me Walk in Beauty

Happy Thanksgiving! This is a favorite prayer of mine and perfect for Thanksgiving. Let Me Walk in Beauty -Chief Yellow Lark O Great Spirit, Whose voice I hear in the winds And whose breath gives life to all the world,…

radical beauty, deepak chopra

Learn Radical Beauty

Deepak and Kimberly’s book delivers a holistic approach to both health and beauty. This is a fantastic book that will show you how to transform yourself from the inside out. It is filled with tips, tools, recipes and at home…

single happy strong, divorce advice, gloria pierosn

5 Minutes to Spare

Every moment of our day is precious. But, how many times do you waste precious minutes? It is usually not the hours we waste away; it is the small increments of time. Maybe you need to leave for an appointment,…