Category Self-Help


Affirmations The Dhammapada is an ancient collection of the Buddha’s teachings. In Twin Verses, the first chapter of the Dhammapada it is written, “All that we are is the result of what we have thought: we are formed and molded…

Cleanse Your Space

Cleanse Your Space Your home, your space, is probably filled with objects from your former married life.  Objects carry energy. De-cluttering your home will help remove “stagnant energy” to make room for new people and events in your life. Out…

Honor Thyself

Honor Thyself “Moving on” requires many changes and new situations to navigate. When I am not sure which direction to take I ask myself, “Does this choice honor me?” This is especially true in romantic relationships. There was one relationship…

Steps for a Breathing Meditation

Breathing Meditation The Single Happy and Strong Blog will be exploring different types of meditation. Meditation is simply put, controlling your thoughts and mind.  It is not making your mind and thoughts blank. If that happens-great!  When you meditate, you…